The primary curriculum is the way in which we develop a broad band of knowledge for our children and expose them to different ways of looking at the world. We aim to plan an exciting and stimulating curriculum with a lot of the work linking together in topics or themes. This makes the learning more meaningful for your children as they can make links between subjects.
In each area of the curriculum we will be helping the children to acquire knowledge, (e.g key concepts in Mathematics), skills (i.e. the ability to use the acquired knowledge), and fostering positive attitudes to the work they do at school. We try to ensure that the knowledge and skills gained are used across the whole curriculum and not simply in isolation.
Through our curriculum we try to achieve a balance in the breadth and the depth of each subject area and a balance between the technological side and the aesthetic side. We also recognise the importance of having a curriculum that takes into account the needs of children of different ages and abilities.
All children, regardless of gender, race or disability are given full access to our curriculum. We have a positive policy of equal opportunities. Our curriculum is structured to enable the development of social skills.
We use a wide variety of teaching techniques to make learning enjoyable and rewarding, including: interactive whole class teaching, group and independent work, using drama across the curriculum, encouraging self assessment and an understanding of the next steps, using first hand experiences, using our outdoor space and school garden, giving access to school visits and inviting experts into school and using ICT across the curriculum.
The school follows the published requirements of the National Curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Information Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music and PE.
Through the use of the Primary National Curriculum and tailored provision our mathematics curriculum allows all children to achieve their full potential. We develop their skills using a base of practical experience which leads onto the understanding of basic concepts and the development of techniques and skills to be used in adult life.
The work may be covered using class work, group work or individual work.
In general, whole class work, based on children's ability to understand mathematical concepts, forms the largest proportion of teaching time in mathematics. We aim to challenge children’s thinking at all levels. Where a whole class teaching approach is used, follow up work may be carried out in ability groups.
We also aim to ensure that the children are given the opportunity to use their mathematical skills in realistic situations, to see that mathematical skills are not isolated but are related to each other and to use their mathematical skills in other curriculum areas.
Our Aims in teaching Mathematics at Lane End are that all children will:
In Literacy (English) we aim to fully develop all of the skills of language so that each child can fulfil his/her own potential in their use and understanding of language.
The skills we aim to develop are:
Reading - to read for pleasure and as a means of gathering information and to learn to comprehend and analyse text, both fiction and non-fiction. (Parents play a vital role in the early stages of learning to read. We have a Parents’ Meeting early in the Reception year to talk to parents about our approach to reading and how you can support your child and we also provide written advice).
Writing - to write for different audiences and purposes in different styles and genres. We want children to write fluently and accurately, convey their thoughts and ideas and write for both pleasure and for communication. Writing is developed in our literacy lessons and across the curriculum.
Speaking - to encourage children to communicate confidently in different situations and for different audiences.
Listening - to a variety of stimuli and speakers and respond accordingly.
Spelling - to encourage children to develop a positive attitude towards spelling through a variety of approaches. We use a phonic approach to reading, writing and spelling at the early stages and support parents in how to help their child with this crucial building block.
Handwriting - to develop a fluent and legible style of joined handwriting using a systematic approach from reception onwards.
ICT – computers are used to develop children’s reading and writing and as a presentation tool.
Grammar - to understand the importance of and use the skills of grammar taught at the appropriate stage in each child's linguistic development.
We aim to develop these English skills across the curriculum so that each skill learnt can be practised and thus consolidated in a variety of ways.
Our approach takes these factors into account: the children are given the opportunity to share ideas with each other and to work in co-operative situations; to listen to and communicate with one person i.e. the teacher or a class member; to achieve success at their own level; and to continually develop higher standards of content and presentation.
Our aims in teaching science are that all children will:
Science at Lane End is seen as part of the whole rather than as an isolated curriculum area. It forms part of our themes where possible. There are occasions when we may introduce scientific topics in isolation to ensure that we cover the areas set out in the National Curriculum.
We aim to introduce the children to geographical and historical knowledge and skills through a thematic approach at our school. Children learn about other countries, map reading skills, periods of historical importance and people that have impacted on the world.
We develop intellectual skills through many approaches:
and the following attitudes:
All of the children experience a full range of physical activities through which they can come to a greater understanding about themselves, their bodies, and the world about them.
The activities we offer are gymnastics, dance and games. Swimming, outdoor adventurous activities and athletics are also available at KS2.
Through these physical activities the children not only come to a greater understanding of themselves and the needs and abilities of other members of the group but also grow - not only in strength but also in co-ordination and ability. They come to acquire an understanding of the need for co-operation to achieve a desired result.
At all times the role of the teacher is one of encouragement so that the children come to accept the challenges presented to them and try to overcome them, rather than by being discouraged by failure at the first attempt.
From Reception to Year 6 the children have a weekly session with trained sports coaches. They cover sports such as football, netball and hockey.
We have both an Infant and a Junior Sports Day in the summer term. There are also many extra-curricular sports clubs for the children to become involved in.
In Art we aim for all children to understand the basic ideas of colour, pattern, line and shape, tone, form and space and texture. These elements will be explored through a range of activities - drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, 3D and collage. Throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils will be introduced to the work of artists both past and present and from other cultures.
Display is used throughout the school to:
Create a sense of achievement, reflecting the work in school; encourage curiosity and an enquiring mind; stimulate language and increase vocabulary; encourage an interest and pride in the work of others; and to create a stimulating and pleasing environment in which to work.
At Lane End all acts of collective worship are of a broadly Christian character. The Stockport Agreed syllabus of Religious Education is used by the school and Religious Education lessons teach our children about all the major world religions.
Parents have the right to ask for their child/ren to be withdrawn from all acts of collective worship and Religious Education. Should they wish to do so they are asked to contact the Headteacher to discuss it.
As a school we are supportive towards children as they seek to work out their fears and problems. We help them to form meaningful relationships with other children and adults. They are helped to become aware of themselves and of other people, to enjoy life and to act with love and consideration. Their natural sense of awe and wonder is fostered. Opportunities are made to create a foundation for the subsequent exploration of the religious dimension.
Religious Education takes place within the context of carefully chosen themes rather than by the introduction of isolated special lessons unrelated to the particular needs, interests, experiences and abilities of the children.
Children today live in an increasingly technological age. We believe that children should be actively involved in practical and problem-solving situations where they design working models and begin to understand the nature and characteristics of natural and manufactured materials. Children take part in a wide variety of design and making activities using a variety of materials. They also take part in cooking and gardening activities.
The children are given the opportunity to explore all forms of musical activity; playing - from simple percussion instruments to formal musical instruments; singing - as a member of a class, a group, solo and during assemblies and productions; listening - to others performing, and pre-recorded music; and composing - in all forms. We aim to not only develop a musical ability in each child but also an appreciation of music in its widest sense.
The children are taught to play the recorder in Year 3 and have the opportunity to take additional music lessons from Year 4 onwards in guitar, flute, clarinet and saxophone (a small charge is made for these extra lessons to enable more children to take part).
The children are introduced to computers from Reception. During the course of the primary years they will come to use the computer in the following areas: for communication and text handling, for information retrieval, for simulations and adventures, for the development of logical thinking through problem solving and data logging applications, for programming and debugiing programs and for support in the creative arts. Work in ICT is often linked to the class’ theme. Each class has an interactive whiteboard which is used across the curriculum. We also have an up-to-date school Computer Suite, as well as ipads, digital cameras, digital video cameras and control technology for classes to use. Each class is timetabled to use this room at least once a week. Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) extends the use of technology out of the classroom and gives children an important experience of 21st Century learning methods. We teach children about internet safety and there is information for parents on our VLE and website.
French is taught in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) and a taster is given in Reception and Key Stage 1 classes. French is taught interactively through song, games, stories and fun activities and has an emphasis on spoken language. Children also learn about French culture through their lessons. There is also a French Club for children in Years 3 to 6 which takes place after school.
Children are taught to become ‘Global Citizens’ during their time at Lane End. We encourage respect for other cultures and an understanding of other countries and our place within the world. We have an ethos of recycling and looking after the environment and we want to prepare children for an ever-changing world. We have a ‘Connecting Classrooms’ link with two other schools in Stockport and three schools in Zambia and use these links to enrich the experiences we are able to offer the children.
Children’s moral, social and health education is fundamental and underpins a great deal of their experience at school. We want our children to grow up as happy and responsible individuals. We teach children about healthy and safe lifestyles and about confidence and building self-esteem.
We follow Stockport’s scheme for Relationship Education which has been consulted upon with a working party of parents, by staff and by the school’s governing body. Parents have the right to withdraw their child at any stage should they wish. Relationships education is taught appropriately for each year group (for example, the scheme starts with activities about their friends, families and who helps us when we’re ill etc.).
Individual teachers use the style that is most appropriate at any given time, i.e. class, group or individual. We aim to ensure that learning is enjoyable and stimulating and plan carefully for all children’s learning needs. We are a forward thinking school and keep up to date with the best practice in teaching techniques. All of our staff receive regular training and we also share our good practice with other schools in Stockport.
The children are taught to become aware that neat and careful presentation is important and is a valuable attribute to acquire. We foster this through the teaching of a consistent style of handwriting and through presentation pieces of work for display.
Careful and accurate records are kept to ensure match, continuity and progression in our curriculum and provide the necessary information for transfer to the next stage of education. We want to ensure that we are supporting and challenging all children.
We keep records of the children's progress towards the appropriate year group expectations. We use ongoing teacher assessments of the children to inform our planning and ensure that children are challenged at the correct level. As well as giving meaningful teacher feedback, we also build children’s ability to understand what each task requires and to assess their own work so that they know how to improve.
Formal homework is set and includes the children learning multiplication tables and spellings weekly and reading each night. Where a long illness, unavoidable absence or difficulty in a particular area of the curriculum occurs, work may be set, in consultation with parents, to assist in a child's general progress.
Sometimes homework takes the form of continuing school work at home, usually research for a particular curriculum area, and at other times it will be a set piece of work (e.g. maths or English) which links to the children’s school work. The children should take their school reading and library books home daily and read at home each evening.
A curriculum booklet is sent home at the beginning of each year which details the work the children will be covering during the year so that parents are able to help support their children. We also have a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which is accessible from the school website. The VLE offers valuable support and activities for parents for linking home and school learning.
There are different homework expectations for each year group and the booklet which is sent home also gives the homework expectations for the year.
On average the time allocations for homework are:
Reading Other Activities
Reception Year 10 minutes / day 25 minutes / week
Years 1 & 2 15 minutes / day 30 minutes / week
Years 3 & 4 15 minutes / day 45 minutes / week
Years 5 & 6 15 minutes / day 60 minutes / week
Pastoral care is exercised by all members of staff at all times as our aim is to create a family feeling where all adults care for all children and all children care for each other. We want children to feel that there is always someone available who they can talk to whether this be the class teacher, teaching assistant, mid-day assistants or Headteacher.
Extra-curricular activities often provide a means for children to develop their talents in fields of interest other than the academic. They also provide children with the chance of further developing social skills and closer relationships with other pupils and teachers.
The school is fortunate in having members of staff who voluntarily organise a wide range of activities for our children. We also organise other organisations to run clubs after school. Recent activities include Football, Country Dance, Investigations, Young Writers, Rounders, Athletics, Art, Sewing, ICT, Netball, Magic, Science, Multi-Sports, Drama, Tennis, Gymnastics and Cricket. A list of the current term's clubs is available here: club list.
We take part in all organised sporting events in our area and run teams for football, cross country, cricket, rounders, swimming and athletics. Opportunities are there for many of our older children to compete should they wish to.
The hours spent teaching during a normal week, including religious education, but excluding collective worship, registration and breaks are as follows :-
Infant age children: 21 hours 15 minutes
Junior age children: 23 hours 45 minutes
School starts at 9.00 am and finishes at 3.15 pm
Click here to see more information about the curriculum in each year group.
The primary curriculum is the way in which we develop a broad band of knowledge for our children and expose them to different ways of looking at the world. We aim to plan an exciting and stimulating curriculum with a lot of the work linking together in topics or themes. This makes the learning more meaningful for your children as they can make links between subjects.
In each area of the curriculum we will be helping the children to acquire knowledge, (e.g key concepts in Mathematics), skills (i.e. the ability to use the acquired knowledge), and fostering positive attitudes to the work they do at school. We try to ensure that the knowledge and skills gained are used across the whole curriculum and not simply in isolation.
Through our curriculum we try to achieve a balance in the breadth and the depth of each subject area and a balance between the technological side and the aesthetic side. We also recognise the importance of having a curriculum that takes into account the needs of children of different ages and abilities.
All children, regardless of gender, race or disability are given full access to our curriculum. We have a positive policy of equal opportunities. Our curriculum is structured to enable the development of social skills.
We use a wide variety of teaching techniques to make learning enjoyable and rewarding, including: interactive whole class teaching, group and independent work, using drama across the curriculum, encouraging self assessment and an understanding of the next steps, using first hand experiences, using our outdoor space and school garden, giving access to school visits and inviting experts into school and using ICT across the curriculum.
The school follows the published requirements of the National Curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Information Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music and PE.
Through the use of the Primary National Curriculum and tailored provision our mathematics curriculum allows all children to achieve their full potential. We develop their skills using a base of practical experience which leads onto the understanding of basic concepts and the development of techniques and skills to be used in adult life.
The work may be covered using class work, group work or individual work.
In general, whole class work, based on children's ability to understand mathematical concepts, forms the largest proportion of teaching time in mathematics. We aim to challenge children’s thinking at all levels. Where a whole class teaching approach is used, follow up work may be carried out in ability groups.
We also aim to ensure that the children are given the opportunity to use their mathematical skills in realistic situations, to see that mathematical skills are not isolated but are related to each other and to use their mathematical skills in other curriculum areas.
Our Aims in teaching Mathematics at Lane End are that all children will:
In Literacy (English) we aim to fully develop all of the skills of language so that each child can fulfil his/her own potential in their use and understanding of language.
The skills we aim to develop are:
Reading - to read for pleasure and as a means of gathering information and to learn to comprehend and analyse text, both fiction and non-fiction. (Parents play a vital role in the early stages of learning to read. We have a Parents’ Meeting early in the Reception year to talk to parents about our approach to reading and how you can support your child and we also provide written advice).
Writing - to write for different audiences and purposes in different styles and genres. We want children to write fluently and accurately, convey their thoughts and ideas and write for both pleasure and for communication. Writing is developed in our literacy lessons and across the curriculum.
Speaking - to encourage children to communicate confidently in different situations and for different audiences.
Listening - to a variety of stimuli and speakers and respond accordingly.
Spelling - to encourage children to develop a positive attitude towards spelling through a variety of approaches. We use a phonic approach to reading, writing and spelling at the early stages and support parents in how to help their child with this crucial building block.
Handwriting - to develop a fluent and legible style of joined handwriting using a systematic approach from reception onwards.
ICT – computers are used to develop children’s reading and writing and as a presentation tool.
Grammar - to understand the importance of and use the skills of grammar taught at the appropriate stage in each child's linguistic development.
We aim to develop these English skills across the curriculum so that each skill learnt can be practised and thus consolidated in a variety of ways.
Our approach takes these factors into account: the children are given the opportunity to share ideas with each other and to work in co-operative situations; to listen to and communicate with one person i.e. the teacher or a class member; to achieve success at their own level; and to continually develop higher standards of content and presentation.
Our aims in teaching science are that all children will:
Science at Lane End is seen as part of the whole rather than as an isolated curriculum area. It forms part of our themes where possible. There are occasions when we may introduce scientific topics in isolation to ensure that we cover the areas set out in the National Curriculum.
We aim to introduce the children to geographical and historical knowledge and skills through a thematic approach at our school. Children learn about other countries, map reading skills, periods of historical importance and people that have impacted on the world.
We develop intellectual skills through many approaches:
and the following attitudes:
All of the children experience a full range of physical activities through which they can come to a greater understanding about themselves, their bodies, and the world about them.
The activities we offer are gymnastics, dance and games. Swimming, outdoor adventurous activities and athletics are also available at KS2.
Through these physical activities the children not only come to a greater understanding of themselves and the needs and abilities of other members of the group but also grow - not only in strength but also in co-ordination and ability. They come to acquire an understanding of the need for co-operation to achieve a desired result.
At all times the role of the teacher is one of encouragement so that the children come to accept the challenges presented to them and try to overcome them, rather than by being discouraged by failure at the first attempt.
From Reception to Year 6 the children have a weekly session with trained sports coaches. They cover sports such as football, netball and hockey.
We have both an Infant and a Junior Sports Day in the summer term. There are also many extra-curricular sports clubs for the children to become involved in.
In Art we aim for all children to understand the basic ideas of colour, pattern, line and shape, tone, form and space and texture. These elements will be explored through a range of activities - drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, 3D and collage. Throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils will be introduced to the work of artists both past and present and from other cultures.
Display is used throughout the school to:
Create a sense of achievement, reflecting the work in school; encourage curiosity and an enquiring mind; stimulate language and increase vocabulary; encourage an interest and pride in the work of others; and to create a stimulating and pleasing environment in which to work.
At Lane End all acts of collective worship are of a broadly Christian character. The Stockport Agreed syllabus of Religious Education is used by the school and Religious Education lessons teach our children about all the major world religions.
Parents have the right to ask for their child/ren to be withdrawn from all acts of collective worship and Religious Education. Should they wish to do so they are asked to contact the Headteacher to discuss it.
As a school we are supportive towards children as they seek to work out their fears and problems. We help them to form meaningful relationships with other children and adults. They are helped to become aware of themselves and of other people, to enjoy life and to act with love and consideration. Their natural sense of awe and wonder is fostered. Opportunities are made to create a foundation for the subsequent exploration of the religious dimension.
Religious Education takes place within the context of carefully chosen themes rather than by the introduction of isolated special lessons unrelated to the particular needs, interests, experiences and abilities of the children.
Children today live in an increasingly technological age. We believe that children should be actively involved in practical and problem-solving situations where they design working models and begin to understand the nature and characteristics of natural and manufactured materials. Children take part in a wide variety of design and making activities using a variety of materials. They also take part in cooking and gardening activities.
The children are given the opportunity to explore all forms of musical activity; playing - from simple percussion instruments to formal musical instruments; singing - as a member of a class, a group, solo and during assemblies and productions; listening - to others performing, and pre-recorded music; and composing - in all forms. We aim to not only develop a musical ability in each child but also an appreciation of music in its widest sense.
The children are taught to play the recorder in Year 3 and have the opportunity to take additional music lessons from Year 4 onwards in guitar, flute, clarinet and saxophone (a small charge is made for these extra lessons to enable more children to take part).
The children are introduced to computers from Reception. During the course of the primary years they will come to use the computer in the following areas: for communication and text handling, for information retrieval, for simulations and adventures, for the development of logical thinking through problem solving and data logging applications, for programming and debugiing programs and for support in the creative arts. Work in ICT is often linked to the class’ theme. Each class has an interactive whiteboard which is used across the curriculum. We also have an up-to-date school Computer Suite, as well as ipads, digital cameras, digital video cameras and control technology for classes to use. Each class is timetabled to use this room at least once a week. Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) extends the use of technology out of the classroom and gives children an important experience of 21st Century learning methods. We teach children about internet safety and there is information for parents on our VLE and website.
French is taught in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) and a taster is given in Reception and Key Stage 1 classes. French is taught interactively through song, games, stories and fun activities and has an emphasis on spoken language. Children also learn about French culture through their lessons. There is also a French Club for children in Years 3 to 6 which takes place after school.
Children are taught to become ‘Global Citizens’ during their time at Lane End. We encourage respect for other cultures and an understanding of other countries and our place within the world. We have an ethos of recycling and looking after the environment and we want to prepare children for an ever-changing world. We have a ‘Connecting Classrooms’ link with two other schools in Stockport and three schools in Zambia and use these links to enrich the experiences we are able to offer the children.
Children’s moral, social and health education is fundamental and underpins a great deal of their experience at school. We want our children to grow up as happy and responsible individuals. We teach children about healthy and safe lifestyles and about confidence and building self-esteem.
We follow Stockport’s scheme for Relationship Education which has been consulted upon with a working party of parents, by staff and by the school’s governing body. Parents have the right to withdraw their child at any stage should they wish. Relationships education is taught appropriately for each year group (for example, the scheme starts with activities about their friends, families and who helps us when we’re ill etc.).
Individual teachers use the style that is most appropriate at any given time, i.e. class, group or individual. We aim to ensure that learning is enjoyable and stimulating and plan carefully for all children’s learning needs. We are a forward thinking school and keep up to date with the best practice in teaching techniques. All of our staff receive regular training and we also share our good practice with other schools in Stockport.
The children are taught to become aware that neat and careful presentation is important and is a valuable attribute to acquire. We foster this through the teaching of a consistent style of handwriting and through presentation pieces of work for display.
Careful and accurate records are kept to ensure match, continuity and progression in our curriculum and provide the necessary information for transfer to the next stage of education. We want to ensure that we are supporting and challenging all children.
We keep records of the children's progress towards the appropriate year group expectations. We use ongoing teacher assessments of the children to inform our planning and ensure that children are challenged at the correct level. As well as giving meaningful teacher feedback, we also build children’s ability to understand what each task requires and to assess their own work so that they know how to improve.
Formal homework is set and includes the children learning multiplication tables and spellings weekly and reading each night. Where a long illness, unavoidable absence or difficulty in a particular area of the curriculum occurs, work may be set, in consultation with parents, to assist in a child's general progress.
Sometimes homework takes the form of continuing school work at home, usually research for a particular curriculum area, and at other times it will be a set piece of work (e.g. maths or English) which links to the children’s school work. The children should take their school reading and library books home daily and read at home each evening.
A curriculum booklet is sent home at the beginning of each year which details the work the children will be covering during the year so that parents are able to help support their children. We also have a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which is accessible from the school website. The VLE offers valuable support and activities for parents for linking home and school learning.
There are different homework expectations for each year group and the booklet which is sent home also gives the homework expectations for the year.
On average the time allocations for homework are:
Reading Other Activities
Reception Year 10 minutes / day 25 minutes / week
Years 1 & 2 15 minutes / day 30 minutes / week
Years 3 & 4 15 minutes / day 45 minutes / week
Years 5 & 6 15 minutes / day 60 minutes / week
Pastoral care is exercised by all members of staff at all times as our aim is to create a family feeling where all adults care for all children and all children care for each other. We want children to feel that there is always someone available who they can talk to whether this be the class teacher, teaching assistant, mid-day assistants or Headteacher.
Extra-curricular activities often provide a means for children to develop their talents in fields of interest other than the academic. They also provide children with the chance of further developing social skills and closer relationships with other pupils and teachers.
The school is fortunate in having members of staff who voluntarily organise a wide range of activities for our children. We also organise other organisations to run clubs after school. Recent activities include Football, Country Dance, Investigations, Young Writers, Rounders, Athletics, Art, Sewing, ICT, Netball, Magic, Science, Multi-Sports, Drama, Tennis, Gymnastics and Cricket. A list of the current term's clubs is available here: club list.
We take part in all organised sporting events in our area and run teams for football, cross country, cricket, rounders, swimming and athletics. Opportunities are there for many of our older children to compete should they wish to.
The hours spent teaching during a normal week, including religious education, but excluding collective worship, registration and breaks are as follows :-
Infant age children: 21 hours 15 minutes
Junior age children: 23 hours 45 minutes
School starts at 9.00 am and finishes at 3.15 pm
Click here to see more information about the curriculum in each year group.
The primary curriculum is the way in which we develop a broad band of knowledge for our children and expose them to different ways of looking at the world. We aim to plan an exciting and stimulating curriculum with a lot of the work linking together in topics or themes. This makes the learning more meaningful for your children as they can make links between subjects.
In each area of the curriculum we will be helping the children to acquire knowledge, (e.g key concepts in Mathematics), skills (i.e. the ability to use the acquired knowledge), and fostering positive attitudes to the work they do at school. We try to ensure that the knowledge and skills gained are used across the whole curriculum and not simply in isolation.
Through our curriculum we try to achieve a balance in the breadth and the depth of each subject area and a balance between the technological side and the aesthetic side. We also recognise the importance of having a curriculum that takes into account the needs of children of different ages and abilities.
All children, regardless of gender, race or disability are given full access to our curriculum. We have a positive policy of equal opportunities. Our curriculum is structured to enable the development of social skills.
We use a wide variety of teaching techniques to make learning enjoyable and rewarding, including: interactive whole class teaching, group and independent work, using drama across the curriculum, encouraging self assessment and an understanding of the next steps, using first hand experiences, using our outdoor space and school garden, giving access to school visits and inviting experts into school and using ICT across the curriculum.
The school follows the published requirements of the National Curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Information Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music and PE.
Through the use of the Primary National Curriculum and tailored provision our mathematics curriculum allows all children to achieve their full potential. We develop their skills using a base of practical experience which leads onto the understanding of basic concepts and the development of techniques and skills to be used in adult life.
The work may be covered using class work, group work or individual work.
In general, whole class work, based on children's ability to understand mathematical concepts, forms the largest proportion of teaching time in mathematics. We aim to challenge children’s thinking at all levels. Where a whole class teaching approach is used, follow up work may be carried out in ability groups.
We also aim to ensure that the children are given the opportunity to use their mathematical skills in realistic situations, to see that mathematical skills are not isolated but are related to each other and to use their mathematical skills in other curriculum areas.
Our Aims in teaching Mathematics at Lane End are that all children will:
In Literacy (English) we aim to fully develop all of the skills of language so that each child can fulfil his/her own potential in their use and understanding of language.
The skills we aim to develop are:
Reading - to read for pleasure and as a means of gathering information and to learn to comprehend and analyse text, both fiction and non-fiction. (Parents play a vital role in the early stages of learning to read. We have a Parents’ Meeting early in the Reception year to talk to parents about our approach to reading and how you can support your child and we also provide written advice).
Writing - to write for different audiences and purposes in different styles and genres. We want children to write fluently and accurately, convey their thoughts and ideas and write for both pleasure and for communication. Writing is developed in our literacy lessons and across the curriculum.
Speaking - to encourage children to communicate confidently in different situations and for different audiences.
Listening - to a variety of stimuli and speakers and respond accordingly.
Spelling - to encourage children to develop a positive attitude towards spelling through a variety of approaches. We use a phonic approach to reading, writing and spelling at the early stages and support parents in how to help their child with this crucial building block.
Handwriting - to develop a fluent and legible style of joined handwriting using a systematic approach from reception onwards.
ICT – computers are used to develop children’s reading and writing and as a presentation tool.
Grammar - to understand the importance of and use the skills of grammar taught at the appropriate stage in each child's linguistic development.
We aim to develop these English skills across the curriculum so that each skill learnt can be practised and thus consolidated in a variety of ways.
Our approach takes these factors into account: the children are given the opportunity to share ideas with each other and to work in co-operative situations; to listen to and communicate with one person i.e. the teacher or a class member; to achieve success at their own level; and to continually develop higher standards of content and presentation.
Our aims in teaching science are that all children will:
Science at Lane End is seen as part of the whole rather than as an isolated curriculum area. It forms part of our themes where possible. There are occasions when we may introduce scientific topics in isolation to ensure that we cover the areas set out in the National Curriculum.
We aim to introduce the children to geographical and historical knowledge and skills through a thematic approach at our school. Children learn about other countries, map reading skills, periods of historical importance and people that have impacted on the world.
We develop intellectual skills through many approaches:
and the following attitudes:
All of the children experience a full range of physical activities through which they can come to a greater understanding about themselves, their bodies, and the world about them.
The activities we offer are gymnastics, dance and games. Swimming, outdoor adventurous activities and athletics are also available at KS2.
Through these physical activities the children not only come to a greater understanding of themselves and the needs and abilities of other members of the group but also grow - not only in strength but also in co-ordination and ability. They come to acquire an understanding of the need for co-operation to achieve a desired result.
At all times the role of the teacher is one of encouragement so that the children come to accept the challenges presented to them and try to overcome them, rather than by being discouraged by failure at the first attempt.
From Reception to Year 6 the children have a weekly session with trained sports coaches. They cover sports such as football, netball and hockey.
We have both an Infant and a Junior Sports Day in the summer term. There are also many extra-curricular sports clubs for the children to become involved in.
In Art we aim for all children to understand the basic ideas of colour, pattern, line and shape, tone, form and space and texture. These elements will be explored through a range of activities - drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, 3D and collage. Throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils will be introduced to the work of artists both past and present and from other cultures.
Display is used throughout the school to:
Create a sense of achievement, reflecting the work in school; encourage curiosity and an enquiring mind; stimulate language and increase vocabulary; encourage an interest and pride in the work of others; and to create a stimulating and pleasing environment in which to work.
At Lane End all acts of collective worship are of a broadly Christian character. The Stockport Agreed syllabus of Religious Education is used by the school and Religious Education lessons teach our children about all the major world religions.
Parents have the right to ask for their child/ren to be withdrawn from all acts of collective worship and Religious Education. Should they wish to do so they are asked to contact the Headteacher to discuss it.
As a school we are supportive towards children as they seek to work out their fears and problems. We help them to form meaningful relationships with other children and adults. They are helped to become aware of themselves and of other people, to enjoy life and to act with love and consideration. Their natural sense of awe and wonder is fostered. Opportunities are made to create a foundation for the subsequent exploration of the religious dimension.
Religious Education takes place within the context of carefully chosen themes rather than by the introduction of isolated special lessons unrelated to the particular needs, interests, experiences and abilities of the children.
Children today live in an increasingly technological age. We believe that children should be actively involved in practical and problem-solving situations where they design working models and begin to understand the nature and characteristics of natural and manufactured materials. Children take part in a wide variety of design and making activities using a variety of materials. They also take part in cooking and gardening activities.
The children are given the opportunity to explore all forms of musical activity; playing - from simple percussion instruments to formal musical instruments; singing - as a member of a class, a group, solo and during assemblies and productions; listening - to others performing, and pre-recorded music; and composing - in all forms. We aim to not only develop a musical ability in each child but also an appreciation of music in its widest sense.
The children are taught to play the recorder in Year 3 and have the opportunity to take additional music lessons from Year 4 onwards in guitar, flute, clarinet and saxophone (a small charge is made for these extra lessons to enable more children to take part).
The children are introduced to computers from Reception. During the course of the primary years they will come to use the computer in the following areas: for communication and text handling, for information retrieval, for simulations and adventures, for the development of logical thinking through problem solving and data logging applications, for programming and debugiing programs and for support in the creative arts. Work in ICT is often linked to the class’ theme. Each class has an interactive whiteboard which is used across the curriculum. We also have an up-to-date school Computer Suite, as well as ipads, digital cameras, digital video cameras and control technology for classes to use. Each class is timetabled to use this room at least once a week. Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) extends the use of technology out of the classroom and gives children an important experience of 21st Century learning methods. We teach children about internet safety and there is information for parents on our VLE and website.
French is taught in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) and a taster is given in Reception and Key Stage 1 classes. French is taught interactively through song, games, stories and fun activities and has an emphasis on spoken language. Children also learn about French culture through their lessons. There is also a French Club for children in Years 3 to 6 which takes place after school.
Children are taught to become ‘Global Citizens’ during their time at Lane End. We encourage respect for other cultures and an understanding of other countries and our place within the world. We have an ethos of recycling and looking after the environment and we want to prepare children for an ever-changing world. We have a ‘Connecting Classrooms’ link with two other schools in Stockport and three schools in Zambia and use these links to enrich the experiences we are able to offer the children.
Children’s moral, social and health education is fundamental and underpins a great deal of their experience at school. We want our children to grow up as happy and responsible individuals. We teach children about healthy and safe lifestyles and about confidence and building self-esteem.
We follow Stockport’s scheme for Relationship Education which has been consulted upon with a working party of parents, by staff and by the school’s governing body. Parents have the right to withdraw their child at any stage should they wish. Relationships education is taught appropriately for each year group (for example, the scheme starts with activities about their friends, families and who helps us when we’re ill etc.).
Individual teachers use the style that is most appropriate at any given time, i.e. class, group or individual. We aim to ensure that learning is enjoyable and stimulating and plan carefully for all children’s learning needs. We are a forward thinking school and keep up to date with the best practice in teaching techniques. All of our staff receive regular training and we also share our good practice with other schools in Stockport.
The children are taught to become aware that neat and careful presentation is important and is a valuable attribute to acquire. We foster this through the teaching of a consistent style of handwriting and through presentation pieces of work for display.
Careful and accurate records are kept to ensure match, continuity and progression in our curriculum and provide the necessary information for transfer to the next stage of education. We want to ensure that we are supporting and challenging all children.
We keep records of the children's progress towards the appropriate year group expectations. We use ongoing teacher assessments of the children to inform our planning and ensure that children are challenged at the correct level. As well as giving meaningful teacher feedback, we also build children’s ability to understand what each task requires and to assess their own work so that they know how to improve.
Formal homework is set and includes the children learning multiplication tables and spellings weekly and reading each night. Where a long illness, unavoidable absence or difficulty in a particular area of the curriculum occurs, work may be set, in consultation with parents, to assist in a child's general progress.
Sometimes homework takes the form of continuing school work at home, usually research for a particular curriculum area, and at other times it will be a set piece of work (e.g. maths or English) which links to the children’s school work. The children should take their school reading and library books home daily and read at home each evening.
A curriculum booklet is sent home at the beginning of each year which details the work the children will be covering during the year so that parents are able to help support their children. We also have a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which is accessible from the school website. The VLE offers valuable support and activities for parents for linking home and school learning.
There are different homework expectations for each year group and the booklet which is sent home also gives the homework expectations for the year.
On average the time allocations for homework are:
Reading Other Activities
Reception Year 10 minutes / day 25 minutes / week
Years 1 & 2 15 minutes / day 30 minutes / week
Years 3 & 4 15 minutes / day 45 minutes / week
Years 5 & 6 15 minutes / day 60 minutes / week
Pastoral care is exercised by all members of staff at all times as our aim is to create a family feeling where all adults care for all children and all children care for each other. We want children to feel that there is always someone available who they can talk to whether this be the class teacher, teaching assistant, mid-day assistants or Headteacher.
Extra-curricular activities often provide a means for children to develop their talents in fields of interest other than the academic. They also provide children with the chance of further developing social skills and closer relationships with other pupils and teachers.
The school is fortunate in having members of staff who voluntarily organise a wide range of activities for our children. We also organise other organisations to run clubs after school. Recent activities include Football, Country Dance, Investigations, Young Writers, Rounders, Athletics, Art, Sewing, ICT, Netball, Magic, Science, Multi-Sports, Drama, Tennis, Gymnastics and Cricket. A list of the current term's clubs is available here: club list.
We take part in all organised sporting events in our area and run teams for football, cross country, cricket, rounders, swimming and athletics. Opportunities are there for many of our older children to compete should they wish to.
The hours spent teaching during a normal week, including religious education, but excluding collective worship, registration and breaks are as follows :-
Infant age children: 21 hours 15 minutes
Junior age children: 23 hours 45 minutes
School starts at 9.00 am and finishes at 3.15 pm
Click here to see more information about the curriculum in each year group.