We have aimed to provide a lot of information on our website as a useful introduction to our school and as a helpful reference during your child’s time with us. Some of the information on the site is statutory for schools to publish online - for ease of access, this page links you directly to all of that important information. Please do have a look at the whole website as there is also a lot more to see!
Click on the links below:
Anti- Racism Policy (October 2023)
Safeguarding Policy (Autumn 2023)
Low Level Concerns Policy (Autumn 2022)
School Uniform Policy (July 2022)
Anti - Bullying Policy (July 2022)
Remote Learning Policy (November 2020)
Special Educational Needs Policy (July 2022)
Relationships and Sex Education Policy (March 2024)
Confidential Reporting Policy (July 2022)
Pupil Premium Strategy (December 2023)
PE - Sport Premium and Impact Statement
Lane End's SEND offer (SEN Information Report)
Stockport's Local Offer (useful information for parents of children with SEND)
Stockport's Entitlement Framework
Stockport's Co-production Charter
Lane End Accessibility Strategy and Plan (updated May 2022)
Charging and Remissions Policy
Respect Policy (November 2022)
GDPR Information
Data Subject Rights Policy (March 2022)
Data Protection Policy (March 2022)
Right to Access Template/ Subject Access Request Form
Right to Rectification Template
Privacy Notice for SEN and Safeguarding
Retention Schedule for Schools
Requests for paper copies
Parents/Carers- we can provide a paper version of the information covered on our website free of charge if you request it.