Maths Language (YR)

This is the mathematical vocabulary which we want your child to become familiar with this year. These words will be used regularly in the maths lessons and throughout the school day. It would be really helpful if, when you came across examples in real life where the words could be used, you brought them to the attention of your child and helped them to understand their meanings.

Counting and Recognising Numbers – number / zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten … to twenty.  None / how many? / Count / count up to / count on / count from / count back / count back from / count back to / count in ones, twos…tens… / more / less / odd / even / every other / how many times? / Pattern / pair / guess / estimate / nearly / close to / about the same as / just over / just under / too many / too few / enough / not enough

Adding and Subtracting – add / more / sum / total / altogether / score / double / one more / two more / ten more…/  how many more to make…? / How many more is…than…? / Take (away) / leave /  how many are left/left over? / How many have gone? / One less / two less…/ ten less… / how many fewer is…than…? / Difference between / is the same as

Solving Problems –

Reasoning about numbers or shapes – pattern / puzzle / answer / right / wrong / what could we try next?/ How did you work it out? / Count / sort / group / set / match / list

Problems involving ‘real life’ or money – compare / double / half / halve / pair / count on / share out / left / left over / money / coin / penny / pence / pound / price / cost / buy / sell / spend / spent / pay / change / dear / costs more / cheap / costs less / cheaper / costs the same as / how much…? / How many…? / total

Measures, shape and space – measure / size / compare / guess / estimate / enough / not enough / too much / too little / too many / too few / nearly / close to / about the same as / just over / just under

Length – length / width / height / depth / long / short / tall / high / low / wide / narrow / deep / shallow / thick / thin / longer / shorter / taller / higher / longest / shortest / tallest / highest / far / near / close

Mass – weigh / weighs / balances / heavy / light / heavier / lighter / heaviest / lightest /  weight / balance / scales  

Capacity – full / half full / empty / holds / container

Time – time / days of the week / day / week / birthday / holiday / morning / afternoon / evening / night / bedtime / dinnertime / playtime / today / yesterday / tomorrow / before / after / next / last / now / soon / early / late / quick / quicker / quickest / quickly / slow / slower / slowest / slowly / old / older / oldest / new / newer / newest / takes longer / takes less time / hour / o’clock / clock / watch / hands 

Patterns, Shape and Space – shape / pattern / flat / curved / straight / round / hollow /  solid / corner / face / side / edge / end / sort / make / build / draw / cube / pyramid / sphere / cone / circle / triangle / square / rectangle / star / size / bigger / larger / smaller / symmetrical / pattern / repeating pattern / match / position / over / under / above / below / top / bottom / side / on / in / outside / inside / around / in front / behind / front / back / before / after / beside / next to / opposite / apart / between / middle / edge / corner / direction / left / right / up / down / forwards / backwards / sideways / across / next to / close / far / along / through  to / from / towards / away from / movement / slide / roll / turn / stretch / bend

Instructions – listen / join in / say / think / imagine / remember / start from / start with / start at / look at / point to / show me / put / place / arrange / rearrange / change / changeover / split / separate / carry on / continue / repeat / what comes next? / find / choose / collect / use / make / build / tell me / describe / pick out / talk about / explain / show me / read / write / trace / copy / complete / finish / end / fill in / shade /colour / tick / cross / draw / draw a line between / join (up) / ring / cost / count / work out / answer / check / same number/s / different numbers / missing numbers / number facts / number line / number track / number square / number cards / counters / cubes / blocks / rods / die / dice / dominoes / pegs / peg board / same way / different way / best way / another way / in order / in a different order            

 Maths Language (Y1)

This is the mathematical vocabulary which we want your child to become familiar with this year. These words will be used regularly in the maths lessons. It would be really helpful if, when you came across examples in real life where the words could be used, you brought them to the attention of your child and helped them to understand their meanings.


units                   ones                    tens                    exchange         digit

once                  equal to            eleventh       twentieth             roughly   

near double     subtract            minus                 sign                     operation

vote                   table                  metre                 ruler                    metre stick

seasons              spring                 summer             autumn             winter

month               year                    weekend          midnight           fast

faster                 fastest                half past           point                  pointed

cuboid               cylinder              underneath     centre                journey

whole turn        half turn            record                arrow                 abacus

always               sometimes        often                  never                 usually     

plus                     twice

‘teens’ number                                                       half-way between

How much more is…?           How much less is…?                   

How long ago…?                  How often…?

How long will it be to…?       How long will it take to…?

Maths Language (Y2)


This is the mathematical vocabulary which we want your child to become familiar with this year. These words will be used regularly in the maths lessons. It would be really helpful if, when you came across examples in real life where the words could be used, you brought them to the attention of your child and helped them to understand their meanings.


tally                    multiple of        sequence         continue           predict   

rule                     hundreds          place                 exact                 exactly

addition            array                   row                     column              share

equally              divide                 divided by        divided              calculate         calculation        jotting               correct              symbol               bought

sold                     right angle       graph                pictogram        represent

contains            label                   title                     about                capacity


Length – further, furthest, centimetre, tape measure

Mass – kilogram, half-kilogram, gram.

Capacity – capacity, contains, litre, half-litre, millilitre.


Time – months of the year: January, February… , fortnight, minute, second, quarter to, quarter past, digital, analogue, clock/watch, timer.


two hundred, three hundred…one thousand

count in threes, fours, fives and so on

round, nearest, round to nearest ten

fractions – part, equal parts, fraction, one whole, one half, two halves, one quarter, two…three…four quarters

one hundred more, one hundred less

tens boundary

lots of, groups of, times


Multiplication and Division – lots of, groups of, times, multiplied by, multiply, multiple of, once, twice, three times, four times…ten times, times as (big, long, wide and so on), repeated addition.

Maths Language (Y3)


This is the mathematical vocabulary with which we want your child to become familiar this year. These words will be used regularly in the maths lessons. It would be really helpful if, when you came across examples in real life where the words could be used, you brought them to the attention of your child and helped them to understand their meanings.


Hundreds          relationship      approximate   approximately     round up

round down     product             remainder        method                  equation

note                   amount             value                 division                   interpret

sketch                investigate       question            ascend                   descend

row                     column              map                   plan                         grid

north                  south                  east                    west                        vertical

horizontal         diagonal           angle                 earliest                    latest

one hundred more, one hundred less

hundreds boundary, one third, two thirds, one tenth

more/most expensive, less/least expensive

compass point

is a greater/smaller angle than

show your working

greatest value, least value

Handling data – chart, bar chart, frequency table, Carroll diagram, Venn diagram, axis, axes, diagram

Length – distance apart…between…to…from, kilometre, mile

Time – century, calendar, date, a.m., p.m., earliest, latest

Shape and Space – right-angled, vertex, vertices, layer, diagram, hemi-sphere, pentagonal, hexagonal, octagonal, quadrilateral


Maths Language (Y4)


This is the mathematical vocabulary which we want your child to become familiar with this year. These words will be used regularly in the maths lessons. It would be really helpful if, when you came across examples in real life where the words could be used, you brought them to the attention of your child and helped them to understand their meanings.

Place Value – thousands, ten thousand, million, numeral, greater than, less than, one thousand more, round to the nearest hundred, integer,  positive/negative numbers, above/below zero, minus

Number – digit, next, consecutive, sort, classify, property, increase, decrease, inverse, divisible by, factor, quotient, inverse

Fractions and Decimals – eighth, sixth, fifth, twentieth, proportion, in every, for every, decimal, decimal fraction, decimal point, decimal place

Measure – measurement, unit, standard unit, metric unit, imperial unit, breadth, edge, perimeter, millimetre, mass, big, bigger, small, smaller, pint, measuring cylinder, area, covers, square centimetre, leap year, millennium, date of birth, noon, timetable, arrive, depart

Shape – line, construct, sketch, radius, diameter, net, angle, base, square-based, regular, irregular, concave, convex, open, closed, 3D, three-dimensional, spherical, cylindrical, tetrahedron, polyhedron, 2D, two-dimensional, equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, oblong, heptagon, polygon, line symmetry, reflect, translation, origin, coordinates,  north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west, NE, NW,SE ,SW, degree, ruler, set square, angle measurer, compasses,

General – construct, justify, make a statement, plot, pin board

Maths Language (Y5 & Y6)

This is the mathematical vocabulary which we want your child to become familiar with this year. These words will be used regularly in the maths lessons. It would be really helpful if, when you came across examples in real life where the words could be used, you brought them to the attention of your child and helped them to understand their meanings.

Place Value – greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, ascending order, descending order, is approximately equal to, round to the nearest thousand

Number – formula, divisibility, factor, square number

Fractions and Decimals – proper/improper fraction, mixed number, numerator, denominator, equivalent, reduced to, cancel, ninth, twelfth, hundredth, to every, as many as, percentage, per cent, %

Using a calculator – calculator, display, key, enter, clear, constant

Handling Data – database, line graph, bar line chart, mode, range, maximum/minimum value, outcome

Probability – fair, unfair, likely, unlikely, likelihood, certain, uncertain, probable, possible, impossible, chance, good chance, poor chance, no chance, risk, doubt

Measure – gallon, square metre, square millimetre, 24-hour clock, 12-hour clock

Shape – congruent, octahedron, scalene triangle, axis of symmetry, reflective symmetry, parallel, perpendicular, x-axis, y-axis, quadrant, rotation, acute, obtuse, protractor

Instructions – bisect, identify, reasoning, convert   General – spinner